Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Homeless Jew

Been offline for a few days because of workload.

Israel Memorial and Independence day celebrations were moving and inspirational for me. Hope yours were same.


Homeless man showed up at minyan yesterday. Asked for food and money. We all gave him money and kosher food from the shul kitchen.

He borrowed tefillin and he davened!

A homeless fellow Yid. Broke my heart.

I gave him and his one bag a ride to the JCC so he could shower at the gym. He was grateful and I wished him luck.

I hope he can get where he was going and find a decent job and housing.

We must not forget the unique needs of fellow Jews who are in trouble, needs that non-Jews do not have, the need to fulfill mitzvot.


I have a relative who is homeless. Mentally ill, refuses to take or stay on medication. But very high-functioning. Nobody in the family can do anything for him, except get him a small amount of money when he's in great need. He won't accept any other help and doesn't want to be a burdren to others.

His own immediate family won't have anything to do with him. I can understand their thinking, but when it comes time to take care of his final needs, I will do it. Even before I became religious, I decided that if nobody else in the family would ever attend his funeral, then I would.

He's family, he's a Jew, and someday he will depart this life. I want to provide him some measure of dignity at that time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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