Friday, April 9, 2010

Return of the Motzei Shabbos Blues

Recently attended a live performance by J.D. Souther. Great music and stories about his times with Glenn Frey and The Eagles, dating Linda Ronstadt, and living downstairs from Jackson Browne.

... it makes me think I should write some "Motzei Shabbos Blues" lyrics to the tune of Glenn Frey's Smuggler's Blues


Shabbos is now ending late until we turn back the clocks after Daylight Savings Time ends.

With the late Motzei Shabbos come the Motzei Shabbos Blues.

Return from Havdalah at shul to an empty house. Married friends doing things with spouses. Divorced friends doing things with their children. None of the very few singles in my community want to go out late on Saturday night, much less with FortyFrumThing ( I have weird taste in culture: dark humor films, music not generally associated with Middle-Aged-Jewish-Guys, etc.)

My secular friends will already be out for the night, not waiting on a shomer shabbos friend.

Motzei Shabbos is becoming my least favorite part of the week. :)

Maybe the local late night Rock-and-Bowl bowling alley will appeal to me.

UPDATE: Ended up going bowling with a buddy whom I invited along while his family was out of town. From my score, you would never know that I used to be a decent bowler.


I'm planning on closing my and accounts. I've promised myself that I won't use them again.

I wonder if I can be absolved of that vow during Hatarat Nedarim (annulment of vows) when the Days of Awe come around this year...?


Anybody have the sheet music for Smuggler's Blues?

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