Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Half of an Already Weird Week

After "Bubbe" from Frumster.com changed her mind last week about pursuing anything, and then my ending communication with 2 women from Jdate, more surprises so far this week (and today is only Tuesday):

1) A woman I dated just as I was starting to explore frum life (and who didn't want any part of it) has found herself in a new, serious relationship.  I'm happy for her, but for the first time in over a year, I'm wondering if I should consider giving up on frumkeit. Had I not become religious, she would have been a great match for me.

2) And I just found out that another woman whom I met about 5 years before I went on the derech has (re)married. I'm happy for her, too, because when I met her, she was so nervous about meeting me and about dating again after a long marriage that she showed up inebriated for our first date and apologized for having had a few drinks to calm her nerves.

3) A friend insists that I come to some Israeli folk dancing sessions with him because he thinks there's a woman there whom I should meet. But my new ambivalence about mixed dancing leads me to think that a non-frum woman is probably not gonna like my kippa and tzitzis. If I go, should I go bare-headed and tucked like I do on a job interview?

4) Another JDate.com woman who previously decided to get back together with her "ex-" over a month ago is back on Frumster and looking at my profile again.


My Weirdness Meter is beeping louder as the week goes on. I hope at least Shabbos will not be weird.

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