Saturday, March 13, 2010

Self-limits on Appearing in Public as a Jew

Just got back from a great movie. Dark, brooding, portrayals of much violence, some nudity, some foul language. Those things did not make the movie great, but added to the mood. Great story, dialog, acting, symbolism.

And Rated "R".

I did not wear my kippa into the theater. I felt uncomfortable being visible as an frum Jew being seen going in to see such a movie. I was worried about Chillul Hashem.

I have come to greatly appreciate films that make me think. Foreign films, indies, anything but mainstream Hollywood dreck.

But the films worth my time are often not appropriate for religious people who strive to live by and inculcate morals in not reflected in popular culture.

I can't give them up (perhaps more accurate to say that I don't want to give them up). I'm probably inured and desensitized to the bad content, but the edgy, controversial films are the ones that are worth my time.

But if they don't affect my morals or religious observance because I'm used to the "bad" content, should I give them up? Or should I just not wear my kippa and tzitzit when I see them? Or should I proudly go in full-Jew mode to the theater?

Or does the content affect me in ways that I can't see?

I'm happy to hear the opinions of others. If I ask my Rabbi, maybe I'll remember to post a follow-up.

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